Grant Writing Tips
A Social Psychologist On Five Elements Of Good Writing grantmakers become more isolated from most grantseekers, and most grantseekers become less visible to grantmakers, the art of writing becomes more and more critical to relationship-building success. There are a thousand good articles on good grant writing. Joachim Kreuger, a social psychologist from Brown University, offers […]
Fundraising Event Experience survey
Classy, a leading online fundraising platform and thought leader, highlighted donors’ 2022 Fundraising Event Experience in a survey of 1,000 event attendees: — 26% attended live events, while 36% went virtual because there was no live event or because they preferred a virtual experience — In-person and virtual attendees gave roughly the same dollar amounts (beyond ticket sales). 20% of […]
Virtual Volunteers
For years, Grantseekers told grantmakers that the only way they’d receive a grant was if a corporate employee was on their board of directors. The pandemic sort of wrecked that plan. Not that Employee Involvement with a nonprofit is less important. It is still worth lots of bonus points when it comes to grantseeking. And, […]
The Equitable Evaluation Framework
Insights for Grantseekers… when funders place equity at the center of their giving The Equitable Evaluation Initiative group recently published a paper in partnership with Grantmakers for Effective Organizations entitled The Equitable Evaluation Framework. While it’s a little on the academic side, the paper’s work will be very interesting to grantseekers who are now faced […]
Best day and time to ask for a contribution
When’s the best day and time to ask for a contribution? A Giving Way survey says that Tuesday and Fridays are the best days to ask, and weekends are the worst). The survey also found the best TIME to ask is generally between 9am and 4pm, but especially between 11am and noon
Funder Affinity Groups
Funder Affinity Groups Funder affinity groups are ongoing open-facing collaborations of grantmakers interested in a specific area of grantmaking (health, environment, K-12 education, for example). Inside Philanthropy explains Affinity Groups: — A group or network of funders that come together around a shared interest. — Circles where funders can interact, and often collaborate, to maximize impact. […]
Impact of Mega Grants on smaller nonprofits
Most philanthropoids seem okay with the huge McKenzie Scott-size grants that foundations are putting out for good causes. But some foundation employees are side-barring concerns about the impact these grants are having on everyday grant programs. Two Ford Foundation (low level) grant people point out the $420 million commitment the Foundation made for equity last month takes away […]
A look at the funding shifts in Mental Health in MN
Mental health has long been a neglected issue area among funders. The money designated for mental health usually went to hospitals. But, during the last decade, we have seen funders taking this area more seriously, and considering its issues independently of physical health issues. Access Philanthropy took a look into the top funders and what […]